Let’s face it: Anything that makes guys laugh at Dr. Jellyfinger has pulled off quite a feat.

So let’s tip our hats to Prostate Cancer Canada’s “Famous Fingers” collection, which is marking Prostate Cancer Awareness Month this September with a hilarious list of latex glove-wearing superstars — hall-of-fame athletes, actors, musicians and more — who are so admired by guys that we might actually feel honoured have them stick a finger up our butts. (Just don’t ask for an autograph at the wrong time, okay?)

On the other hand (or finger), having Babe Ruth, Sherlock Holmes or Bigfoot on hand (or finger) still might not be enough to get you to the doctor’s office.

So how about this: One in nine Canadian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes, with an estimated 4,200 of us dying from the disease in 2020. But it doesn’t have to be that way: When caught early, the survival rate for prostate cancer is close to 93 percent.

Now raise your hand—or finger, famous or otherwise—if talking to your doctor about an early detection strategy sounds worth doing ASAP.

Know the Signs

One of the reasons it’s so important to see your doc is that symptoms are not always present in the early stages of prostate cancer.  And as mentioned, early detection vastly increases the chances of survival. So if you notice any of these symptoms, go straight to your GP. Bigfoot says so!

  • Difficulty urinating
  • Urgent need to urinate
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Burning or pain when urinating
  • Inability to urinate or difficulty starting or stopping urine flow
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Blood in the urine or semen

Healthy combo reduces the risk

Of course, it’s better to prevent prostate cancer before it’s detected, and that can be done by combining two awesome habits that go an incredibly long way toward a happier, healthier life overall: Physical activity and healthy eating. Putting the two together can prevent some types of cancer, as well as chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, and can also work wonder for your mental game as well. Not sure where to start on both counts? We have the goods — and then some. Check out Dontchangemuch.ca for more easy tips than you can shake your fist (or finger) at!

Men’s Health Checklist

Find out what tests you need and when. Stay up-to-date on screening, exams and vaccines, and assess how stress impacts your mental health.