10 out of 10 dinosaurs agree that Tyrannosaurus Rex was one frustrated and angry SOB. Why was he such a stressed-out jerk? One theory is that his arms were too short to reach his… You get the idea. It could also be that T-Rex didn’t have a game plan for handling the...
Russell Kennedy, MD
Dr. Russell Kennedy is a medical doctor and neuroscientist who uses brain science to help people with anxiety. “The Anxiety MD’s” passion lies in showing ways to live life with more true feeling and less false thinking. For more than 10 years, he was a doctor by day and stand-up comedian by night.
Articles by
Russell Kennedy, MD
Stop Procrastination in 5 Seconds
We've all been there: You’ve got a confident rhythm flipping burgers on the BBQ and you get a little too fancy and flip one off the BBQ, on to the ground. You look to see that nobody’s watching and... That's when the original "5 Second Rule" saves the day. While the...