Pop quiz! What do these four things have in common?
- The largest elephant ever recorded
- A Caterpillar 311cu Digger
- Two adult killer whales
- The poop produced by the average guy over his lifetime
If you said, “they all weigh the same,” you nailed it! That’s right: research shows that the average guy deposits a grand total of around 11 tons in the porcelain bank.
Now that you’re up to speed on poop quantity let’s move on to the quality of curling pipe.
Super-smelly and loud poops
Your log cabins may look great, but what if they disturb your household with their stinkiness and noisy construction? A lot of this comes down to your diet. You can help stop super smelly poops with these easy tips to quell the smell and stifle the rifle:
Eat less
Feeling bloated after eating and then experiencing constipation or diarrhea is a sign that you’re putting away more food than your body can comfortably handle. Try cutting back a bit by serving yourself smaller portions and not having seconds. Or eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day, and nix meals at least 2 hours before bedtime.
Cut back on ultra-processed foods and unhealthy fats
Ultra-processed foods like soft drinks, potato chips, candy, sweetened breakfast cereals, and packaged meats contain synthetic ingredients that your body may struggle to digest. The same goes for the trans fats found in fried foods, bakery items and many salty and sugary snacks. As well as saturated fat common in fatty meats, bacon, deli meats, full-fat dairy products, palm oil and butter.
See ya, sulphur
Too much sulphur in your diet can make your stool stinkier and your bowel movements noisier than normal. Sulphur-rich foods include:
- Coconut milk, juice, and oil
- Certain vegetables, including broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, horseradish, kale, radish, and turnips.
- Dairy products (except butter)
- Eggs
- Garlic
- Baked beans (the more you eat, the most you fart, right?)
On that note…
What to do about bad gas
Fun fart fact, most people break wind 10 to 20 times a day. This is usually caused by partially undigested food and is perfectly healthy. That said, letting a nasty one loose at the dinner table isn’t something to cheer about. Here are some easy tips for reducing the chances of clearing the room with your stinky farts:
Cut down on sugar alcohols
Often found in foods like protein bars and candy, sugar alcohol remains partially undigested and routinely creates extra gas.
Cut down on certain foods
Broccoli, cabbage, lentils, beans, dairy, and onions tend to produce gas. There’s no need to eliminate these foods, but a simple reduction in portions may help.
In some cases, excess gas is associated with a digestive disorder. If your gas is giving you severe pain and bloating, be sure to pay your doctor a visit.
Swallow less air
Try cutting back on drinking from a straw, chewing gum, eating too quickly, or having carbonated beverages.
Staying regular: be No. 1 in the No. 2 department
Favour fibre
The fibre found in fruits and veggies, nuts, and whole-grain foods, helps to bulk up and soften poop, making it easier to park bark. According to Health Canada, guys need 38 grams of fibre each day to stay healthy, with these food swaps being easy ways to achieve this goal:
- OUT: Regular pasta & white rice
- IN: Whole grain pasta and brown rice
- OUT: White bread & doughnuts
- IN: Whole-grain bread and muffins
- OUT: Sugary breakfast cereals
- IN: Bran cereals & oatmeal
- OUT: Fatty french fries as a side dish
- IN: Crunchy salad as a side dish
- OUT: Potato chips as a snack
- IN: Mixed nuts, ripe fruit, veggie sticks or trail mix
Drink more fluids
As well as keeping your poops regular and your turds properly lubricated, drinking plenty of water and other fluids helps control your body temperature, carries nutrients throughout your body, and even cushions your organs and joints. No wonder Dietitians of Canada recommend that men should aim to drink about 3 litres of fluids, or 6 large glasses, every day.
Slow down, lighten up
How and when you eat can be as important as what you eat. Chowing down too quickly, going for big, heavy meals, and eating late at night make your digestive system work harder and less efficiently than usual. The result: angry barbarians at the gate!
Gut-check time
Should diet and lifestyle changes fail to produce the brown snakes you’re hunting, you can always turn to a medical professional for a digestive assessment. After all, irregular, inconsistent, or extra-stinky bowel movements could be symptoms of underlying health conditions such as food intolerance, a lack of digestive enzymes, or an imbalance in the gut microbes that aid in poop production.
Defining the perfect poop
According to the Bristol stool chart—yes, it’s a thing—there are seven types of turd. Types 1 and 2 are nugget-like and happen when you’re constipated. Types 5 to 7 are watery and occur with diarrhea, and Types 3 and 4 are sausage-shaped, brown in colour, and hold their forms when flushed. These last two are considered normal, but Type 4 has the edge because it’s smoother than Type 3, slips out more easily, and contains the ideal balance of moisture and nutrients.
What’s a healthy amount of poops per day? While there’s no magic number, having 1 or 2 Type 4s signals that everything is working as it should. Most people have a regular poop pattern and typically chop a log at around the same time each day and the same number of times.
Deviating from your regular loaf-pinching schedule isn’t cause for alarm, but if you suddenly stop dropping dookies or spend the entire day releasing payloads, it’s time to see your doctor.
Speaking of poop production, it’s time for another pop (or should we say poop?) quiz!
What do these other four things have in common?
- The USS Little Rock combat ship
- 30 blue whales
- NASA’s Saturn V rocket
- The poop produced by the average African elephant over its lifetime
If you said “they all weigh the same” again—that’s 3,000 tons BTW—you’re two for two!
Got any tips for having better poops? Share them with your DCM buds in the comments below!
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One essential lifestyle is left out on how to improve on our poop – EXERCISE
Regular exercise will help move the bowels and indeed the entire digestive system thereby enhancing of breakdown of food, absorption and timely elimination of the unwanted waste in form of poop
Exercise ensure proper circulation of body fluid to vital body organs – digestive and aluminal canal inclusive
That is a great addition to the article! You’re absolutely right, a sedentary lifestyle can slow down the digestive system, leading to digestive issues, like constipation.
Just wanted to say good article, it made me laugh, it’s correct though, and wish more writers could bring more like this to the table. Not so white tie!
Too extreme
This one definitely pushes the limits! You would be surprised at how many people are actually searching for this information though. We get thousands of Google visits to this page for people seeking out this specific information.
Thank you for the recipes.
I can definitely confirm that eating healthier has helped with foul-smelling poop. Whenever I eat too much (usually during some family occasion), I always gas and poop with some serious odor. Even my partner will excuse me at the time. But when eat in moderation, and include a lot of fruits and vegetables in my diet, my poop smells a lot less messy.
You know it’s a bad sign when gas can clear a room after a meal! Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Yeeeah, that’s a bad sign!
Hi. Your article definitely helps me to undetsrand the importance of eating healthy. Eating in small portion and too much late at night.
Thank you very much for the guidelines.
Thanks for sharing. I struggling on this issue. My poops is very stinky during taking bathroom at my workplace. And lot of my co employees recognized that it was me inside the cubicle because of very disturbing odor coming out. I tried so many deodorizers, perfumes but it cannot help. I think i have a gut problem inside. But i asked my gastroenterologist about it and he said all poops are not good to smell. Its normal. I have IBS so i frequently going to bathroom to poops. And it always stinky smell coming out. Hope you can help me on this. Thank you.
I am having the same problem.., strong offensive odour and my breath also stinks very badly. Pls help