It’s tough juggling work and family on a good day — let alone taking care of our health — and champion triathlete Simon Whitfield can relate more than you’d think. These days, as a business owner and father, Simon joins millions of other guys in a different kind of triathlon: balancing work, family life, and health.

Wondering how to balance work and family life? Simon rediscovered the balance he was looking for by using these three hacks:

Start your day off right

“The way I start my day determines how the rest of it goes,” Simon says. “After a shower, I’ll take a brisk walk around the block followed by 10 minutes of meditation.” He describes meditation as “basically doing nothing. Just sit quietly and breathe deeply until you feel ready to go.”

It’s a simple morning ritual that ensures a positive start to your day.

Walk off your stress

“Find every opportunity to get up and move,” Simon continues. “Think about those days when you don’t take the dog for a walk — he goes nuts! Guys aren’t that different. Exercise helps maintain and restore the balance in our lives.”

Simon suggests getting some simple exercise over your lunch break, at work or at home.

Be a kid with your kids

Simon Whitfield and kids riding their bikes
Photo courtesy of Simon Whitfield

“As adults, we develop all these reasons we can’t do things: Work deadlines, family responsibilities, and simply being tired,” Simon adds. Board games and time outdoors are two of the many ways he connects with his kids by simply having fun and being silly. “We’re much better off when we make time for fun things instead of only the serious stuff.”

Why is work life balance so important? It isn’t just good for you — it’s also a lot of fun!

How do you balance work and family life? Share your story from the comments below.

This article was originally published on June 13, 2017.

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