Ever wonder how so many dads can be ranked No. 1? Here’s the deal: to their own kids, every single one of them really IS the greatest!

Of course, there’s always room for improvement and ways to create a closer relationship with your kids. Our good friends and collaborators over at Blueprint have some father-to-father tips for you. The organization’s three founders offer these 10 great tips for being a better “World’s Greatest Dad.”

Dr. John Izzo: Quality Time Meets Hugs

As a “founding father” of the Vancouver-based Blueprint, Dr. John Izzo is all about bringing people together to improve guys’ lives. As a dad himself, John knows plenty about the power of a child’s love and offers these tips to help the love grow and thrive:

1. “Spend a few one-on-one minutes each day with each of your children. Be 100 percent focused. Ask them how they are doing and how their day was.”

2. “Ask them to tell you one way they would like you to be an even better dad. Listen deeply and don’t defend. Then act on their feedback.”

3. “When one of your children hugs you, no matter how old they are, don’t let go until they do. You might be surprised how much longer they want your hug!”

There are so many benefits of spending time with your child: you build their self-esteem, strengthen family bonds, develop good behaviour, encourage communication, improve their school work, and form positive relationships with others. The list goes on and on. Let’s not forget having a lot of fun together!

Dr. Duncan Shields: Curiosity Meets Self-esteem

4. “Find things that your kids are doing right, and compliment them on that. Kids will grow in the direction of your pride.”

5. “Be the father you wish you’d had. When your kids remember being stuck at home during the COVID-19 crisis or look back on their early life, what stories will they tell about their time with you?”

6. “Give your kids the gift of your quality attention. Don’t just tell them what to do or how to behave. Listening to them and being curious about how they think teaches them they’re worth listening to. Your children are your footprints in the future, and your job is to set them up to go further than you have been able to go.”

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Dr. David Kuhl: Pride Meets Fun

7. “Spend time reading with your kids. If you don’t enjoy reading, tell them stories or use the pictures in books to have a conversation with them.”

8. “Tell your kids that you love them, that you’re proud of them, and that you would not want to live your life without them in it.”

9. “Hug your kids even before they hug you.”

10. “Once or twice a week, invite them to spend half an hour with you doing whatever they want to do.”

If they use that time to make you a “World’s Greatest Dad” gift, you’ll have earned the title all the more. “World’s Greatest-est Dad” may sound unusual, but it does have a nice ring to it. Now that the world’s greatest dad contest has been settled, you can also make the most out of this Men’s Health Month with your family by pledging to get moving and joining the events.

Help other dads out. What makes you feel like the “World’s Greatest Dad”? Rock star pancakes on the weekend? The way you sing their favourite song? Share the fun in the comments below!

This article was originally published on June 18, 2020.

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