Testicular cancer is treatable when caught early, and routine testicular self-exams can help detect changes. Learn how to do this simple check every month.
Jarret McKee
Jarret is a Vancouver-based copywriter, SEO, and digital marketer. For 15 years, he has written content for audiences in professional services, tech, health, and more. He is a graduate of Simon Fraser University, where he studied Communication and Italian. If you have ice cream shop recommendations, he wants to hear them!
Articles by
Jarret McKee
How Manny Viveiros Fought 3 of the 8 Most Common Health Conditions in Men
In 2021, Vancouver Giants head coach Manny Viveiros received life-changing news: back-to-back cancer diagnoses, leading to depression.
How Good Habits Helped Nick Taylor Win the 2023 Canadian Open
Nick Taylor was the first Canadian in 69 years to win the Canadian Open on home soil. Nick opens up about family, health, and building habits.
Why Understanding Your Family’s Health History Could Save Your Life
There are 8 medical conditions common among Canadian men linked to genetics. Learn how to understand your risk and get simple lifestyle prevention tips.
How To Manage Healthy Sleep While Working Shifts
Shift work can mess up sleep patterns, impacting your quality of life. These sleep tips for shift workers will help you to get the quality shuteye you need.