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Toby Hargrave

Toby Hargrave is a B.C.-based actor, radio personality, and award-winning veteran of North America’s standup circuit. Described as a “happy Hagrid” Toby often pokes fun at his “casual” approach to wellness. He wanted to live healthier and that’s when his inspiring Don’t Change Much journey began.

Articles by

Toby Hargrave

How to Make Dinner Time, Family Time

How to Make Dinner Time, Family Time

If nachos can get me in shape, I’m in! I’ll be ready for the local body building championship. As an aside, if I could just learn how to flex fat I could be Mr. Olympia, but this has proven harder than I thought (and by ‘this’ I mean ‘I,’ and by “harder” I mean...

I owe you 1,800 jumping jacks. A little help here?

I don’t often invoke the words of past girlfriends, but “You’re doing it wrong” just works so well here.  Let’s start with what I’m doing (and in my defence I have no idea what I’m doing). I do standup comedy professionally and work as an actor in film and...