Pro athletes do a lot of strange things to break out of slumps. Take Jason Giambi: When his bat went cold in 2008, the former New York Yankees' first baseman turned his season around by wearing a gold thong. Then there’s former NHLer Bruce Gardiner, who started...
Kick your Canada Day BBQ up a notch with this easy maple-sweetened recipe
July is the worst...said no Canadian ever. The first full month of summer kicks off with the Canada Day long weekend, and then jumps straight into National Grilling Month. Who knew patriotism could be so delicious? Given the awesomeness of it all, plain-old burgers or...
Chef Ned Bell’s Green Eggs and Salmon
Theodore Geisel, a.k.a. Dr. Seuss, penned “Green Eggs and Ham” on a bet that he couldn’t write a book using 50 or fewer words. You won’t have to make this easy recipe 50 times for it to become one of your go-to dishes — just once should do the trick! Courtesy of Don’t...
Taggart & Torrens talk drumming stretches, deep breathing, and swapping fries for salad
Fans of the Taggart & Torrens podcast know that the self-proclaimed “BAHDs” hosting the show — that’s East Coast lingo for “buds,” BTW — sometimes appear in animated form, and sometimes as their real-life selves. Either way, their back-and-forth banter ranges from...
How the ‘Man-Mountain of Comedy’ became the ‘Hillock of Humour’
As the self-proclaimed “Man-Mountain of Comedy,” K. Trevor Wilson clearly has no problem having fun with his appearance. In fact, he embraces it, as these zingers show: I look like what would happen if Game of Thrones and Duck Dynasty had a baby.I look like I recently...
A vintage Star Trek lunchbox: $2,000. A tasty brown-bag lunch: Priceless
Who would have thought your childhood lunchbox could be a collector’s item today? Mint-condition “Star Trek” sets from 1968 have sold for around $2,000. A 1966 box depicting The Beatles has topped two grand at auction, while containers featuring Dudley Do-Right — the...
What is a Macronutrient? How to Calculate Your Daily Macro Count
What do the four letters in the word “diet” stand for? One popular joke answer — “Do I Eat That?” — is funny because it’s TRUE! With some diets, not knowing a food’s calorie count can turn mealtimes into minefields. Eat the wrong thing, and your weight-loss plan gets...
How to have your bacon, and eat it too, by controlling food portions
Remember those hilariously huge 1980s cell phones? The first one to hit the market was the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x in 1983. It cost more than $5,000, offered a half-hour of talk time per battery charge, and weighed 2 pounds. That’s about what a pineapple weighs! So...
Easy knife tips for setting your own delicious records in the kitchen
Some awesome Guinness World Records have been set recently: The largest collection of Batman memorabilia (8,226 items), the longest eyelash (12.4 centimetres), the most balloons blown up by one person in an hour (910), the amazing list goes on. But for the purposes of...