When it comes to extinguishing campfires and melting snow banks — and hopefully not destroying cell phones — the colour of your pee doesn’t matter much. But it does say a lot about the state of your health. Keep reading to find out what pee colour means, and what...
Adam Bisby
Articles by
Adam Bisby
Why walking is so good for you
When you consider how far you’ll walk in your lifetime, getting off the bus a stop or two early to get some easy exercise doesn’t seem like a big deal. But it is a big deal. Why? Because of what walking does for you. Based on current life-expectancy figures, the...
Suicide is preventable — with your help
What do NFL football star Junior Seau, pro wrestler Chris Benoit and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain have in common? If you said “they were all hugely successful,” you’d be correct, but that’s not the answer we’re looking for. Whether crushing quarterbacks, delivering...
Chewing over the difference between ground beef grades
Q: What's the difference between ground beef and pea soup? A: Anyone can grind beef. Now that you’ve stopped laughing (or groaning), here are two more beefy questions to chew over: What’s the difference between extra-lean, lean, medium and regular ground beef? And why...
How family fun leads to healthier kids
Support International Youth Day by getting in on playtime with the brood The question comes up every Father’s Day: “Dad, when is Kid Day?" The reply? That’s easy: “Every day is Kid Day!” Technically, however, that response isn’t accurate. There really IS a Kid Day!...
Can pizza get any better? It can — on the BBQ!
Have you tried cooking pizza on the barbecue? It really is a perfect match. On one hand, you probably love pizza. It accounts for 14% of all dinners in Canada, after all. On the other, you probably love barbecuing, with nearly nine out of 10 Canadians firing up the...