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Adam Bisby

Adam Bisby is a Toronto-based freelance journalist and father of two. He’s been covering men’s health for over 20 years. As well as researching and blogging for Don’t Change Much since 2015, Adam’s award-winning work has appeared in the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, and National Post newspapers.

Articles by

Adam Bisby

3 Things You’ll do Better with Sleep

3 Things You’ll do Better with Sleep

Who doesn’t want to kick ass? We’re not talking about dominating in the boxing ring, or going all Bruce Lee on an army of ninjas—as it turns out, it’s a lot easier to fire on all cylinders when you get enough sleep. Guys tend to think that we can muscle through a long...

Why Soda Pop is the New Cigarette

Why Soda Pop is the New Cigarette

You can blame your inner chimpanzee for those cola cravings. Our ancestors thrived on sugar-rich fruit, studies show, and evolved to favour riper, sweeter fruit because it has a higher sugar content than unripe fruit. That extra sugar kick came in handy back in the...

1 Move That Burns More Fat Than Running

1 Move That Burns More Fat Than Running

Q: What kind of running shoes are made from banana skins? A: Slippers! If the thought of jogging makes you groan louder than you did after reading the punchline above, we’ve got some good news: Many simple jumping exercises deliver all the benefits of running, such as...

De-Stress At Your Desk With This One Simple Move

De-Stress At Your Desk With This One Simple Move

For all you cubicle dwellers out there, this one simple move is a sure-fire way to help you de-stress. Traditional office jobs are safer compared to more labor-intensive, blue-collar work, but as it turns out, the long hours, stress of tight deadlines and sedentary...

9 Tools Every Guy Needs in Their Kitchen

9 Tools Every Guy Needs in Their Kitchen

The ability to do more with less is something all guys appreciate. The hero of the 1980’s TV show MacGyver was the king of solving complex problems with ordinary objects: Making a bomb out of a fire extinguisher and pantyhose, fashioning a hot-air balloon from a...