Are you interested in binge-watching a little bit less? Is it actually bad to watch too much TV? Find out here alongside a few easy tips to reduce screen time.
How Music Can Help Motivate You to Exercise
Are you finding it hard to get motivated these days? Exercise motivation for men comes in many forms. Find out how music improves motivation to work out.
5 Simple Stretches That Blow Lower Back Pain Away
Quick and easy stretches for men to reduce lower back pain. Do these stretches every day to release tension and keep your lower back pain to a minimum.
Get Active: Health Tips For Men
No gym membership? No workout gear? No problem! Here you’ll find everything you need to fit some easy exercise into your day. Let’s get ready to rumble! (Or walk, stretch, hike, take the stairs…)
Easy Exercises to Do at Work
Finding it hard to fit in 20-minutes of exercise a day? Try this: once an hour during your workday, get up and do any of the three-minute exercises listed here.
How to Start Running for Beginners
For many guys, the real challenge isn’t the act of running itself but simply finding the motivation to do it. Here are some tips to start running from nothing.
Guide to Squats for Beginners
What do a CFL linebacker and a couch potato have in common? They both can do squats. One simple exercise to build your glutes, quads, and hamstrings.
Summer BBQ Party Games
Looking for games to play at your next summer BBQ with friends? Check out this list of outdoor games that will have you laughing with friends in no time.
Tommy Europe’s Any Fitness Level Exercise Videos
Easy to follow 30-minute workout videos with fitness coach Tommy Europe. Workout from home with no gym equipment needed.