Men’s Health Tips

Drink Less

As awesome as a cold beer tastes on a hot day, overdoing it with booze does a number on your health and your wallet. That’s why these easy tips for reducing your alcohol intake are so awesome. Goodbye hangovers, hello healthiness!

How To Give Your Liver a Break Over the Holiday Season

How To Give Your Liver a Break Over the Holiday Season

Who works harder than Santa Claus over the holidays? OK, your liver’s not a person (or even an elf), but it does give St. Nick a run for his money. Santa has lots of gifts to deliver, no doubt, but your liver never takes a break from performing the 500-plus functions...

5 Holiday Hangover Prevention Tips

Let’s be honest, guys; if our true love’s got us the “magic cure” for hangovers as a gift this holiday season, we’d be stoked. All of those cups of cheer can add up. The good news is it can be easy to avoid a hangover while enjoying some festive cheer. Heed these five...

If you like Pina Coladas…try blending them with less booze

If you like Pina Coladas…try blending them with less booze

Sing it with us: “If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain…” Who are we kidding? Getting drenched isn’t all that awesome, especially when you’re wearing jeans and a flannel poncho. And enjoying any kind of cocktail may seem tricky if you’re trying to...

Unhealthy habits? Crazy expensive! Curbing them? Free and easy!

Unhealthy habits? Crazy expensive! Curbing them? Free and easy!

Picture this: You’re a contestant in one of those old-school game shows. The host smiles and says, “Behind door No. 1...we have...a new car!” The wild applause finally dies down, and then it’s time to open door No. 2: “It’s a luxury vacation!” Pretty sweet, right? The...

3 Awesome Benefits to Slowing Down Your Alcohol Intake

3 Awesome Benefits to Slowing Down Your Alcohol Intake

"To alcohol! The cause of...and solution to...all of life's problems." —Homer Simpson Drinking has a time and place, and it can be a pleasant way to unwind after a hard day’s work, but hear us out: What guy doesn’t want more money, a healthier body and better sex? The...